
Дуртай дуунуудын маань нэг

Ажилдаа ирж очихдоо голдуу мэдээ сонсдогсон. Заримдаа өглөө сонссон мэдээгээ орой ТВ-ээр харж "Энэ одоо яагаад өчигдрийн мэдээ давтаад байна" гэж гайхширдаг. Гэтэл ойрд мэдээний оронд нэгэн дуучны хоолой, түүний дууны найруулга, хөгжмийн сонголтыг бишрээд салахаа байв. Дуучны нэр Jennifer Warnes. Энэ хуудсаар орж, Famous Blue Raincoat, дараа нь slide show тэгээд sample мр3 гэдэг дээр дарвал түүний зарим дууг сонсож болохоор байгаа. Болж өгвөл миний тэр жигтэйхэн сүйд болоод байгаа Bird on a wire дууг сонсоод үзээрэй. Энэ дууны ая гайхалтай cайхан, хөгжмүүдийн хоршил дээд зэрэг, ялангуяа саксофоны аялгуу орж ирэхэд би бараг галзуурах шахна. Дараагийн Жанна Д'арк (зөв бичив үү?) -д зориулсан дуунд хоршин дуулсан Leonard Cohen -ы хоолой үнэн содон, Женниферийн дууг бүр илүү хөглөөд өгнө. Ямар ч байсан сонсоод үзээрэй.

Bird on a wire

by Leonard Cohen

Like a bird on the wire,
like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free.
Like a fish on a hook,
like a knight from an old fashioned book
I have saved all my ribbons for thee.
If I have been unkind,
I hope that you could just let it go by.
And if I have been untrue
I hope you know it was never to you. No, no

Like a baby, stillborn,
like a beast with his horn
I have torn everyone who reached out for me.
But I swear by this song
By all I have done wrong
I'll make it all up to you. Yes I will
I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch,
H called out to me, "Don't
ask for so much."
And a young man leaning on his darkened door,
He cried out to me, "Hey, why
not ask for more?"

Like a bird on the wire,
Like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free.

Joan of Arc

Now the flames they followed Joan of Arc
as she came riding through the dark;
no moon to keep her armour bright,
no man to get her through this
dark and smoky night.
She said, "I'm tired of the war,
I want the kind of work I had before,
a wedding dress or something white
to wear upon my swollen appetite."

Well, I'm glad to hear you talk this way,
you know I've watched you riding every day
and something in me yearns to win
such a cold and lonesome heroine.
"And who are you?" she sternly spoke
to the one beneath the smoke.
"Why, I'm fire," he replied,
"And I love your solitude, I
love your pride."

"Well then fire, make your body cold,
I'm gonna give you mine to hold,"
and saying this she climbed inside
to be his one, to be his only bride.
Then deep into his fiery heart
he took the dust of Joan of Arc,
and high above all these wedding guests
he hung the ashes of her lovely wedding dress.

It was deep into his fiery heart
he took the dust of Joan of Arc,
and then she clearly understood
if he was fire, oh she must be wood.
I saw her wince, I saw her cry,
I saw the glory in her eye.
Myself I long for love and light,
but must it come so cruel, must it be so brave?


Barimalch said...

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Дeстини said...

Цаг агаар муу байвал заавал мэдээ сонсоно, аль зам чөлөөтэй, хальтиргаа гайгүй байна гээд л өглөө ажилдаа явахдаа аль замаар явбал дээр болохыг сонгоно. Ойрд бол дуу сонсоод аялгуу нь чихэнд хоногшиж, ажилдаа ирсэн хойноо ч аялсаар л явах шив.